How my writing starts.
Email. Print. Scripts. Social Media. Magazine articles.
I got range.*
My natural voice is witty and sharp with a penchant for fragments, but always with an unrelenting desire to capture *your* brand's voice in the best, most concise way possible.
I don't just write like an actual human with something to say (rather than just something to sell), I'm passionate AF about it. I put the same vigor into a push notification as I do into a print catalog.

How my writing goes.

Finally submitting copy.
But my skills don't stop at copywriting—I also lead teams and high-level campaigns with my top superpowers: strategic thinking, love of collaboration and processes, and well-timed GIFs.
Bottom line: I'm a storyteller. You have a story. And that story deserves to be told. Awesomely.
When I'm not writing copy that makes you want to pay me a lot of money and drink rosé together, I'm home with my husband, 2-year-old daughter and dog in the 'burbs of Boston.
*And also great grammar.